An engineering undergraduate in Computer Science and Engineering.
Exploring technologies and waiting for opportunities.A Web developer and a Problem Solver. Loves to code in
A portal for farmers in which Farmers , Landlord , retailers and Mandi's can register and have a common
interface for interaction.
The aim of the project was to create a dashboard which will show the live status of covid-19 active, recovery, active, deceased cases state wise, country wise, tips on how to be safe and regulatory. The data was collected using an open sourced API a Full Stack Web Application alone for a Non – Governmental Organization, Non-Profitable Organization to raise people’s voice as petition’s and get supports for that campaign.
To add tasks at the start of the day and the email notifications will be send periodically to the user.
JSP based Online Quiz System for various institutions.
A global alumni networking platform to connect alumni's around the globe and have groups auto build according to their respective batches and organizations.. Also providing statistics to the institution/organisation about their alumni's.
The project aim was to prevent accident and send real time notifications to the user. It also monitors speed of the vehicle and relevant happening in the surroundings to prevent the accidents.
GPA: 8.03
Apart from being a web developer, I love solving problems on different coding sites such as codefights in Python. I love swimming, running, gymming. Pizza's and coke are necessary diet.
My interest escape from chaos and watching the beauty. Riding, coffee and nightouts. Active in participating in Hackathons, Code camps.
Would choose to be an entrepreneur rather than being a C.E.O